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SP2 Networking Problem: Part II
Windows XP SP2 Network Conflicts
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I posted some Pics of the newest version of the Xb...
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OurTunes 1.3.2

Considering that most of my friends are in college, I thought I might do them a favor and forward them to a little program called OurTunes. What does OurTunes do, you might ask? OurTunes allows you to download music from other computers on the same network that are sharing their music through Apple's iTunes. Here's what you need to do to get it to work. First, download iTunes from Apple.com. Second, open up the Preferences and set it to allow your computer to share and look for shared music. Third, download OurTunes. Assuming that you have a recent version of Java running on your computer, which the majority of people will, run OurTunes and iTunes at the same time. OurTunes should automatically find the shared music and let you get downloading immediately. But make sure that you are able to listen to other people's music through iTunes prior to downloading, this way you will know whether you are able to get a connection to the networked computers. This is just a fast runthrough of what to do, for more information about OurTunes or iTunes check out the links.
OurTunes 1.3.2 - Monday, October 04, 2004 -

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