I found a temporary fix for the disabled LAN icon, but it uses a router. For those of you who need to fix the LAN icon problem mentioned in the previous article and don't have a router - GET ONE! Routers come in handy!
I was up all night working on this problem, and figured out that there's no way to solve the LAN problem, short of some advanced computer coding and a team of specialists. So I thought to myself, "why not work around it"? And I did.
I luckily had a spare Netgear router sitting around just asking to be used. So I plugged it into my computer and Xbox and went at it. Three hours later I figured what IP address to use and found a temporary solution to my LAN problem. Unfortunately, to access the internet, I have to unplug from the router and I didn't write down the configuration before doing to. So part three of the SP2 Networking article will come this weekend, I will give all of the configurations and perhaps some pictures and a tutorial.
There's always hope when there's a router.