Important information for everyone! I got fed up with the free server I was using to host the Gamer's Radio .RSS file, so I got a real web page! Please forward all of your Bookmarks to I have decided to combine both my Gamer's Radio blog and Yankidank Technology blog into the new site. I won't have a chance to produce a radio show until Friday afternoon 09/05/04. But I promise to get the ball rolling soon. I have spent a lot of time preparing the site, but it's still a bit empty. That's where you guys come in. Please contribute to the site! Join the site and contribute your thoughts, photos, whatever you can think of. Soon I will have a new .RSS link. Make sure that you will update it from the page so that you will be able to get the upcomming episodes.
Be sure to check out the forums and gallery at they can be found here:
The Photo Gallery is a little glitchy still when it comes so submissions, but the forum is awaiting some posts!
I will also work on some tutorials for Xbox Mods this December.
Thanks to those who have emailed me with comments and suggestions, I really appreciate it. Hope to hear from you again soon!