Even though the
RIAA has been issuing lawsuits left and right over the past couple years, many P2P users haven't stopped sharing and downloading copyrighted material over the internet. P2P programs and certain IRC channels have become the wild west of the internet. There are no forms of regulation over what goes in and out of these unmoderated channels. And in many ways this is a great thing, but the entertainment industry thinks differently. The RIAA (representing many recording artists) claim that P2P sharing has cost them millions of dollars over the past few years. In 2003 the RIAA claimed that the music industry's revenue decreased by 7%. As it turns out, the music industry was strong as ever last year. They increased sales by 10% over the past year.
Find out details about how the RIAA was able to claim a 7% drop in sales.
If you aren't a fan of the RIAA, or perhaps you're a fan of privacy and free speech, check out
EFF.org. The EFF are the people fighting for our digital rights. Please support them by visiting their site, and if you're feeling extra generous participate by writing a letter/fax/email to your local politicians. The EFF even provides a digital letter for you, all you need to do is sign it.
EFF - Make Filesharing Legal
Protect yourself from the RIAA
P2P Flash Movie
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